I'm not a fan of Ledger, their soft is very bad for privacy.
These valuations only make sense, if they sell their user data.
More and more not liking the NFT and crypto stuff that ledger are pushing
The worst hww company raises more money. Yeah, that pretty much sums up our shitcoin hype based fiat world.
While they're doing a lot to promote the idea of a signing device, I am not a fan of the direction this company is going, pretty sure this is all just to expand speculation, like trading with your ledger assets and "self custody" meta data tokens that are basically stored on 1 or 2 validators lol its hilarious but its always a reminder at how much money goes to waste in this space
speculation generates interest, interest leads to buying more ledger wallets
on a different point, Ledger is in it for fiat gains .... they have partnerships with CEXes which makes them fiat too
i had no idea they were a unicorn, good for them
I understand "unicorn" as anything above 1b
right, looks like they have a market cap of $1.4b with this raise
In this market impressive