(Disclaimer: Don't worry Darth, I wouldn't use AI).
So, I don't use ChatGPT for anything, considering its founders are out scanning people's eyeballs 👁️ for their shitcoin, and I don't want to give the machine even a scrap of my data, or allow it to have any claim whatsoever to my work (the guy who "won" the AI art contest just lost his bid to copyright "his" painting in court). That's a sensible take in my world.
The problem I'm having is people wanting to "ChatGPT-Everything." We're entering the crazy stage where people want all the browser extensions to have it, they want to put it in cars, lalalala...
Seeing as this is a high IQ community, I'd like to get some feedback on what, if anything, you think about recent developments, and what, if any, additional steps you're taking to self-custody your data. For obvious reasons, this community has a greater interest in privacy than your average Facebooker.
people wanting to "ChatGPT-Everything." We're entering the crazy stage...
Well said.
Personally, I don't pay any attention to ChatGPT anything.
We live such a limited time here, so I focus on learning Bitcoin tools, exploring real life, and improving skills, yet many people love being distracted.