Score. My wife found someone in our area giving away an exercise bike (older model but in good shape) on facebook marketplace about a year ago. All they wanted was someone to pick it up. So we snagged that. It has been great. I lift weights 4 times a week but am pretty lax on cardio other than an hour walk I take the dog on every day so I usually jump on the bike for a bit in the evening when I am watching sports. My wife uses it as well and my 12 year old uses it to warm up before doing his martial arts training. So we have gotten a ton of use out of it. Now if it breaks down I will have to buy a new one because we have gotten so used to having one.
Heck yea! If I had the space, I'd be building a home gym first. Your exp sounds like mine. I found an entire rock band set on the side of the road once. And over time I've found a lot of nice stuff: 2 bikes, an atari, a box of foreign money including euros, my dining room table, tablets from uber..... All from give away piles or on the side of the road.