This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
I love sats4likes. Not because I need to buy likes or want to earn minuscule amounts of money - but because it's a classic Bitcoin project that solves a demand & supply problem so elegantly and frictionless.
It's so quintessentially what Bitcoin is about. ( not affiliated with them in any way but you guys should try to use it if you haven't already)
Regulations have been sold to the public as an antidote to corporations but they are actually worse
I’m plebb’n so hard this week. I have been asking ChatGPT to help me code and dog gamn… it’s next level!
Saw this funny meme yesterday:
“AI won’t take your job… Someone who knows how to use AI better than you will take your job.”
Would be a dream to work in IT one day especially for bitcoin…
I've had so many bind blowing conversations with that thing over the last few weeks! Like you, I've been having it help with code. I've even pasted in specs and documentation for things it didn't know and created something new with them. BUT it has also outright lied to me several times by just making up functions that don't exit. I've also had a few longer coding conversations with it where I told it to remember the state of the code so we could revert back to it later if we changed something that I didn't like. Reverting worked, for a while.. and then it started reverting back to a state that the code was never in and I had to start over.
And now I'm referring to "ChatGPT and I" as "we" inadvertently, ha!
instead of googling to figure out how to do something, we will use AI chat/search. Basically it’s reading stackoverflow and documentation for all libraries to return stackoverflow answers and documentation to us faster.
Good Sunday funday!!! It seems the whales were busy this weekend, it all seems prepped up for some greenage, do t forget to do your DCA's and let it just go up, up and away. I wish you a phenomenal Sunday, and that this next week be filled with profit, success and joy. Be well my friends and stay frosty!!
Was gonna get a gym membership for the elliptical, but I found a $300 bike trainer for $15 at goodwill :)
and if you bought #Bitcoin with the money you saved, you are my legend.
Score. My wife found someone in our area giving away an exercise bike (older model but in good shape) on facebook marketplace about a year ago. All they wanted was someone to pick it up. So we snagged that. It has been great. I lift weights 4 times a week but am pretty lax on cardio other than an hour walk I take the dog on every day so I usually jump on the bike for a bit in the evening when I am watching sports. My wife uses it as well and my 12 year old uses it to warm up before doing his martial arts training. So we have gotten a ton of use out of it. Now if it breaks down I will have to buy a new one because we have gotten so used to having one.
Heck yea! If I had the space, I'd be building a home gym first. Your exp sounds like mine. I found an entire rock band set on the side of the road once. And over time I've found a lot of nice stuff: 2 bikes, an atari, a box of foreign money including euros, my dining room table, tablets from uber..... All from give away piles or on the side of the road.
charity stream for marys meals! :D
What's this?
they do school meals for kids in developing countries :3
how to send sats?
im working on convincing them and other charities i support to accept BTC but they aren't there yet haha. All my normal streams i do i accept BTC/Lightning/XMR exclusively through my own superchat system but I have that turned off on sundays and only do the charity ones
More sats, please.
Now that football season is over my Sunday routine involves getting ready to read about which banks are on the brink as I check credit default swaps prices. It's almost as much fun as the NFL.
Roughing the passer, each and every day.
Baseball season starts this week siggy. All is good.
Ah yes! Springtime. Rebirth and new beginnings. A time of hope, Gray Ruby, unless you were born a Mets fan.
Thankfully I don't have that affliction.
Why is named "football" when is played with hands?
Because they run.
I have wondered this my whole life. What we in the US call "soccer" is more appropriately named football.
Also in US Bitcoin is an "asset" not money 😂😂😂 What is wrong with these people?
It's sort of fortunate they call it an asset, because it makes it more difficult under US law to fuck with bitcoin.