theres a guy that has made a patent on using the bitcoin logo for jewels in spain. mtfer
Nice intro!
What about your project of escrow services with BTC and LN? How is going? You know that LNbits is preparing the nostr-market extension. But what is missing for all these webshop frameworks is the escrow service for physical good delivery.
Nice intro!
Thanks :D
What about your project of escrow services with BTC and LN? How is going?
I released an app for this into the public domain a long time ago:
So far no one seems interested. There was a company I helped start that was supposed to reach out to bitcoin corps to encourage them to use this escrow technology, and we released an API and everything, but we found no one interested. We didn't have a single customer or any leads after months of outreach. I'm no longer with that company but the guys who run it are good friends of mine, they recently rebranded to
what is missing for all these webshop frameworks is the escrow service for physical good delivery
Feel free to reach out to anyone to encourage them to use my escrow software! I'm happy to help them integrate it if they want to. But in my experience bitcoin companies just aren't interested in escrow. Their users trust them and I don't think they see any reason to add a third party escrow into the mix.
Also, when I was with the company I didn't know a good way to do physical goods delivery. How do you prevent someone from shipping a box of rocks instead of the intended product? What's stopping the recipient from "saying" the company shipped them a box of rocks? I looked up how Amazon does it once and they have a return policy where you get your money back if you return a delivered item that wasn't what you wanted. But I don't know how they deal with the reverse problem, where you receive an xbox, claim that microsoft shipped you a box of rocks, and then ship a box of rocks right back to them while keeping the xbox. It sounds like a nightmare for a third party to figure out which party to a transaction is telling the truth, so I never wanted any part of it.
Thank you
Thanks for detailed answer. Yes exactly about that I was thinking, how to deal with box of rocks return policy. Is hard to deal with this. So maybe only small steps and build a good reputation in time.