Speculative attacks - the for-profit shorting of a foreign currency - are widespread throughout history.
  1. 🇬🇧 George Soros & Black Wednesday (1992): Soros bet against the British pound, forcing the central bank to leave the fixed-exchange-rate ERM and devalue the pound, making over $1 billion in profit.
  2. 🌏 Asian Financial Crisis (1997-1998): Speculators attacked the Thai baht, leading to its devaluation and a domino contagion effect on other Southeast Asian currencies (Indonesia, South Korea, Malaysia).
  3. 🇲🇽 Mexican Peso Crisis (1994-1995): A devaluation in the peso triggered this speculative attack as investors sold their peso-denominated assets. This loss of confidence forced Mexico to accept a U.S./IMF-led bailout and led to widespread contagion in other emerging markets.
  4. 🇷🇺 Russian Financial Crisis (1998): Low oil prices and high debt-fueled a speculative attack on the ruble, causing it to plummet and leading to a severe recession and sharp increase in inflation.
  5. 🇦🇷 Argentine Currency Crisis (2001-2002): An unsustainable fixed-to-the-dollar exchange rate system led to a speculative attack on the peso, resulting in a 70% devaluation and economic crisis.
Bitcoiners have long (since 2014!) speculated how Bitcoin will eventually be leveraged to perform a speculative attack, as we all know that good money drives out the bad money. We recently summarized a classic Bitcoin piece that talks about what a speculative attack is and how Bitcoin can be used in such - in this 2-minute summary of Speculative Attack (2014) www.2minutebitcoin.org/blog/bitcoin-speculative-attack-on-the-dollar-2014
серьёзный кризис в Америке заставил биткоин питать всю инфляцию и выплеснуть только там где есть товары которые продают за доллар. цена за кружку кофе доходили в несколько сотен
Just watched a doc on the Asian Financial Crisis, that one was Soros too!
сорос и его последователи уже обречены... новые попытки не увенчались успехом... даже ии провалился.
Oh come on, do you actually think a single person could do that? Go out and touch some grass fr
Who said it's one person?
один может покинуть идею как это сделать, другой составить план, а третий начать его реализовывать. как например это сделал сатоши.
I agree with you. It's not a single person, but a group of people with the same incentives. I think we should set aside our tinfoil hat a bit.
Markets are so much about group thinking. So driven by news headlines, chaotic new york traders on meth and people running around in herds like sheep.
The reality of markets is absolutely crazy enough in reality - no need so invent marionette players controlling the whole world.
биткоин это докажет или опровергнит уже завтра. что будет если сказать 35 000 000 что биткоин завтра будет стоить 1000000?$? неужели не возникнет вопроса, куда потом девать эти $? вот глупые...