Looking for ideas and investors.
Support zero-fee routing by HODLNing https://ln.anyone.eu.org/
Will send you the invested funds over LN whenever you choose (manually operated only so far). You get as much as you send. Kind of zero fee submarine swaps, you pay only the on-chain fee when sending.
Please share your thoughts, no matter what you think. I need some feedback. Thank you!
I don’t get what you’re asking for. You want us to open channels with you or something else?
Good question. Thanks. Feedback is actually what I am looking for the most.
My idea so far is that a (philantropist) investor sends me on-chain funds using which I can open channels. And anytime they want their funds back, I can send to them via Lightning Network.
Example: someone wants to mix their full UTXO. They send it to my node, sign a message with the key of an address it comes from saying anything (even establishing a different communication channel). I then open the channels they ask for and my node now has funds to zero-fee route with. Others can open channels to my node or to other nodes with zero-fee and do channel rebalancing for free. I hope it makes sense. Definitely does to me :) and time will tell if it was a good idea.