This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
I know I always complain but man I wish I had more time to do the things I want to do. I think even if I had a full time bitcoin job I would still want time to read play video games go out to eat hang with friends and family see movies learn to dance learn a language the list goes on and on
Ditto, but the time I crave is for building.
Even with work & side projects, productivity can only come with delegating, automating or doing more with less.
If you got to a position where you could do all that in unlimited amounts it would probably lose its appeal but I could be wrong
OpenAI wouldnt have released chatgpt if it did not think it was ready.
"Thus it is that in war the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory."
Chappie is just like Rehoboam from the last season of Westworld.
Makes me think Google have really dropped the ball. They need to cut off their own arm (and their huge ad revenues) to compete. The future mammoth is OpenAI (Microsoft).
Seriously considering using Bing as my primary search now
I'm soooo random and weird!! You've been warned!
thinking of posting my stream links later when i go live so people can test my superchat system :3
do it
i did, no one tested it from here, just my usual viewers but darthcoin decided to reply shill his substack and github project saying they actually work and could "inspire" me to make something better when what he posted had zero relevance to what I posted and when i pointed that out said to have fun staying poor. I deleted the thread, im just gonna work on this stuff by myself
lol I just read your replies in the thread...
I side with DarthCoin there.
i dont get why, he just goes to any new thread and shills his own stuff, i didn't even want to post my stuff here but people told me to. Bunch of boomers
Btw, you really deleted your post just because of DarthCoin? lol
Now I can't tell if what you built really is better compared to what DarthCoin posted as you claimed
im not live anymore so it doesn't make sense for it to stay up
i dont get why
your attitude
Bunch of boomers
For example ...
That's all I will say. Don't want to waste my time
yeah, you're wasting my time actually lmao
GM! ⚡☕🧡
Looking into full node hardware. Moving towards purchase.
Travelling to Huntsville for the day job.
Mac Mini. Wipe it and install Ubuntu
Me likes!
I'm curious to know in which direction you head. I'm looking to upgrade my hardware this summer and I'm exploring options.
Will post when I decide.
New here! Here to learn all about bitcoin!