We are Bitcoiners here.
But we have to be realistic.
Announcing a $1M Bitcoin in 90 days (so June 15, 2023) is not something that does Bitcoin any favors in reality.
I don't know what the point of it is, other than to create a buzz. But it will be a bad buzz.
Rather than making stupid predictions about the price of Bitcoin in the short term, it's more important to explain the fundamentals of Bitcoin and why Bitcoin meets the needs that more and more people will have in the future.
They already have these needs, but they will mostly realize that only Bitcoin can meet these needs.
Those needs are the ability to protect yourself from monetary inflation in a way that resists censorship. Bitcoin makes you self-sovereign and allows you to take control over the fruits of your labor, and ultimately, your life.
Rather than using their audience to propagate such predictions, they would be better off saying once again how Bitcoin is the solution to this new crisis of the current flawed and unfixable system.
This is the perfect time to re-emphasize the superiority of the Bitcoin system.