I have a podcast that is starting to get a few BOOSTS trickling in (The Reformed Financial Advisor pod). Im sold, this value for value stuff exciting. Since my podcast is not explicitly about the lightning network or podcasting 2.0, I'm trying to think of how I can warm my audience up to this and get them bought in. So far, I have done nothing to really "engage" with my audience. Maybe this is my time, especially with CashApp now lightning enabled and the podcasting apps continuing to improve.
The Adam Curry/Dave Jones model - Should I just copy these guys and read the BOOSTS every episode and really pump it up? It is starting to look like Fountain may be the best place to send my audience to listen, BOOST, and now even see other listeners comments.
The Stacker news option - Or I could create a post for every new episode and direct listeners to go there to join the conversation. Maybe I share the stacker news post link in the show notes of every episode. The regular stacker news community may or many not care for the content, but at least my audience would have a common place to converge. The upside here is that my listeners could get paid in sats themselves for adding to the discussion (with the added bonus of avoiding twitter). I could even pay an extra sats bounty every week for my favorite comment to stir it up.
Telegram (or something else) - The tried and true method seems to be in moderating a group on one of these platforms. I have seen how telegram enabling lightning tips could be something as well.
Stacker News seems like the tribe that has the most people thinking about this so I welcome your comments.