ok a follow up: I've acquired about half my sats using a decentralized exchange, and have been storing those in the same wallet with my older KYC sats. have my KYC sats effectively tainted my non KYC sats, making them linkable to my identity? or would the "men in black" as it were still only be able to trace the KYC sats to my identity.
Did you send them to the same public address?
If not, just label your coins as KYC & nonKYC & you can use a wallet like sparrow or electrum to send them separately into your new wallet
nope, always different address everytime I pulled off of the exchange or made a non-kyc order.
Then its fine
As long as you are labeling & using coin control (selecting which UTXO's go into the transaction) they will remain separate
Try doing “chain-analysis” yourself, find a transaction and trace it through the blockchain on mempool.space
I am not an expert on the subject, but I would say to be safe that the wallet is “tainted”
For example if I had any of the transactions to the wallet, I would be able to see any outgoing transactions as well, if the output is going to a mix/coinjoin- I would lose the ability to prove where they went- but would be able to know that it was mixed.
Again, not an expert- recommend looking up some privacy tutorials or hopefully someone more knowledgeable can tune in here. 🧡
https://oxt.me/ Found this tool^^
thanks a lot for taking the time to answer 🧡
:) I’m learning too. I think I need to start thinking in terms of utxo more instead of “wallet”
I saw with sparrow wallet it helps track utxos and label them
Gonna read through this: #38226
Happy 🐇 🕳️ travels