Here is the 50 sats bonus info; I will post it on Stacker News momentarily:
50 Bonus Sats from BTC Mag App Flash Code Friday (Time Sensitive Code: WGFBTMY2)
Don't mind if I do...
Oh and I sent OP some sats for the referral, would've missed the promo since I ain't on twitter much 🫡
I would simp harder but for some reason the app hasn't been working all day for me. No sats for me this week I guess.
Try clearing the cache for the app. I had to do that earlier this week and that fixed things for me. If that doesn't work, logging out and logging in again usually fixes issues as well.
It was kinda still bugging out but the cleared cache thing allowed me to finally sign out and log back in and my sats were already there. Thank you friend!
Back to simping.
Man It happened the same to me. Only way I made it work was uninstalling app n' installing it agian, then I enter the code, by letteres not scan just in case, n' it worked.
It has to reach 400 retweet to unlock it.
*to unlock aditional +50sats code
The 250 sats code works right now; I just used it. There will be an additional 50 sat code posted once it reaches 400 retweets. I will share that one as well here once they post it; it's already at 251 retweets per my Twitter web client.
Thanks again! From your simpering friend