I am the author of all words stated in this here post/reply and subsequent posts in the future, I have the final interpretation rights of all words written and/or to be written or spoken in any interaction with the public as in now and in perpetuity. No one but me makes the final interpretation of the words written or spoken now or in perpetuity because, As a Living Man, I take full responsibility for all my actions and I harm (steal their property) no one. Therefore, I am not in the public realm and this post is not in the public realm as you need to contribute sats to post. This post is to educate not give advice to men and women in the private. Posting my words here does not constitute any contract overt or covert in the public to any public company or government in whole or in part regarding benefits and privileges or contract liabilities.
With these words now in motion, let’s begin...
The questions that need to be asked and a response.
“Did this man do anything wrong?” And ““Why was the government so hell bent on bringing him “to justice.””
  1. To begin, all governments of the world are corporations (as evidence by their Dun and Bradstreet numbers) that have been put into motion by the population whom volunteered their work energy in exchange for the government's mon-eye (fiat) and subsequently donate that said fiat to the government via taxes, answering their questions, filling out their forms, etc). Therefore, the government's (which is a company) job then is to "protect" (benefits and privileges) the public (which they have claimed to be their jurisdiction and rightfully, so as the public has volunteered them to be so) from bad actors. Also, and more importantly, the government's job (which is a company) is to protect itself from anything that threatens the company's self-interests and will use any force (which almost all times is violence not force) they deem necessary to do so.
  2. Since this man offered his services to the public, it instantly put himself in the jurisdiction of the governments. Now the governments are a dog with a bone looking to strike if he goes against their “laws.”
  3. “Unregulated” custodial service Bitcoin is against their “laws.” Therefore, the government, based on their claim that the public is their jurisdiction as volunteered up by the public’s action (as noted in the first point above), now feels “justified” to use violence (stealing, kidnapping, coercion, etc) against this man to “protect” the public.
  4. Let us remember, the former point is based on the assumption that the man is innocent, therefore any action that a government takes is violence. Let me explain…if this man they kidnapped, did actually DO an action that initiated harm [ directly stole property from someone (as specifically and solely defined as taking someone's life, taking someone's possessions, taking someone's freewill choice, taking someone's sexual choice, taking someone's bodily integrity, taking someone's fully informed decision, and/or taking someone's peaceful domicile) ], AND the victim who was harmed asked the government to help, then the government was justified in doing what they did and they did not kidnap him and did not use violence, they only used force.
  5. However, if the man did NOT do anything that initiated harm to another man or woman, then the government is wrong and acted immorally because they used violence, which invokes the majority of Universal Karmic Law (also know as Natural Law also know as Consequentialism in Philosophy) onto the order followers that did the actions of kidnapping and stealing this man’s propriety. To be noted, the order givers will get only a bit of the Universal Karmic consequences from the Universe as they did not perform the actions, they only spoke them. It is always the choice of the order follower to take the action, hence the brunt of the Karmic consequence from the universe.
  6. So remember, the government is NEVER NEVER NEVER on your side, they are always in it for themselves as a collective and they have droves and droves of mindless, immoral, pieces of trash order followers willing and ready to do their bidding for a fiat currency “pay check.”
Ha, no. :)
lol that's what chatGPT-4 would say