iphones are just pure garbage Everybody in Bitcoinlandia screams loud about FOSS but then they go and install that nice FOSS wallet app on ishit phone totally closed source... is a not brainer that ishit are pure garbage and idiotic
But apple makes great phones that are reliable, have, minimal bugs and great repair support. Bitcoin is software overall. If the masses are going to use it then the hardware used to access the bitcoin software better be top notch. If you want to use some FOSS hardware phone to make payments have it break then rely on shit customer service to get it fixed then be my guest.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @BlokchainB 56m But apple makes great phones that are reliable, have, minimal bugs and great repair support.
let me know when you will get rekt... please don't cry, you get what you deserve.
I have real skills I don’t need bitcoin to succeed to make it in this world. Rekt or not I’ll be fine
I would love to tell you soon "I TOLD YOU SO"... :) Like I did few years ago with friends using ishit phones and then they did this:
Ignore the warnings and you will get rekt, whatever skills you have... Is just a matter of time until apple shit will close access to your wallets. Remotely.