Hey Isaac
Thanks for this response. What are you working on now?
I decided to give you the bounty. Tbh, none of the replies to this post met the criteria I set for the bounty, so I gave the bounty to you because I learned something and appreciated how honest it was.
@gunson, thank you, that was very gracious and unexpected. Truth be told, I've been a bit rudderless since we closed up shop.
We had pivoted over to a Web3 wallet but didn't find much success. To better align with my background in B2C and consumer Internet, I've moved my projects over to be almost entirely focused on media now and back to being exclusively focused on Bitcoin. In fact I've been working solo and in isolation for the past year, and my hope is to make an ANN here on stacker.news in the not too distant future to get feedback.
In keeping with your request for an actual article, I can share a white paper I co-wrote with my previous business partner. We managed to get featured on TMI and they hosted us in their solutions catalog. The company has since been dissolved, but I think a lot of the ideas and intent in that doc are still accurate and directionally correct. There was, at the time, an enormous pressure for custody based solutions for corporate treasury due to regulatory concerns, and we were trying to reconcile that with the writing on the wall that self-custody based products was going to be the only end-game worth pursuing. As the common refrain goes - we were too early.
best, isaac