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Topher Scott and I created this tool to make inscriptions easier on people. In the early days of inscriptions, you needed to download ord wallet, download bitcoin core, sync the blockchain, index all transactions as well as all existing inscriptions, or use a custodian who would do that for you. This new tool runs entirely in javascript on your own browser. It connects to mempool.space's api to get a transaction index, block data, and to broadcast transactions, and the server it runs on does not hold your keys! Non-custody is the way!
If you've been hestitant to try out inscriptions, give it a try. I made an inscription yesterday and sent it to an ordinals wallet I created at ordinalswallet.com.
This paragraph may interest developers: inscribetheplanet.com is based on a new javascript library called bton, which stands for bitcoin transaction object notation. This is an excellent tool by my friend Topher which makes it easy to use various taproot tricks in the browser. It supports creating taproot addresses, tapscript trees, schnorr signatures, address validation, and many other nifty features. Give it a try! https://www.npmjs.com/package/@cmdcode/bton
Here is the github repo for this particular project (inscribe the planet) that uses the bton library: https://github.com/supertestnet/inscriptions-online/
You should concentrate into making really useful software for Bitcoin adoption and especially for merchants, NOT this crap with ordinals and inscriptions.
People need to use Bitcoin as money, in real life, not for these useless crap things.
I think I do concentrate on really useful software Darth, let me explain one of the reasons why I built this
I consider inscriptions a vulnerability in bitcoin, they make it worse money and highlight the drawbacks of segwit's blocksize increase. In order to build support for at least a partial mitigation (like reducing the blocksize again) I think exploit tools for this vulnerability are very useful. They highlight a problem that (imo) ought to be addressed.
Increase use of Bitcoin = increase space used in blocks. That's how you solve this problem, not with these shity inscriptions.
There are many more things to be done for Bitcoin adoption. There's too much paid attention to these crap inscriptions, for nothing. More attention = idiots will exploit it.
Just leave the market decide and do not encourage idiots.
Super... I know you. You are capable to do great things. Don't lower your level with these craps.
More attention = idiots will exploit it
I agree and that is why I built this, to make it easier for idiots to exploit this vulnerability
I think that is important to do because it can have two positive results: either it demonstrates that this vulnerability is serious, leading to a mitigation, or it demonstrates that this vulnerability is insignificant, meaning there is no need to fix it
If inscriptions are really a vulnerability -- as I strongly suspect they are -- then I think they need more attention, not less
Fixing parts of bitcoin that seem broken is a priority for me
This is an interesting level of logic I'm not sure I share. accelerationism always seemed nihilistic and naïve to me, and is potentially a cover for ones real motivations.
Quite frankly, I don't believe you.
You know this is a vulnerability, and you know how it can be used as one. So do I. The fact that we're not making a CVE out of this is because we're just dicking around hoping no one catches on to how it can be deployed maliciously, while also hoping our enemies don't have the balls to do it if they do know.
But murphy's law is a bitch.
Congrats on enabling the coming attack, I guess.
Congrats on enabling the coming attack, I guess.
Thanks, I guess
hoping no one catches on to how it can be deployed maliciously [...] while also hoping our enemies don't have the balls to do it if they do know.
That's not how security works. That sounds a lot like "security by obscurity" which is heavily frowned upon in the itsec community (for good reasons).
I totally can understand why @super_testnet did this. I just don't agree it's a problem and see more risk in enabling censorship if we do something about this.
However, if inscriptions are really as bad as some think, bring it on. The earlier, the better. I think that's the same reasoning as @super_testnet has.
This post can be compared to LNsploit, I guess.
sheit the only positive of this ordinal shit was they had to run a full node.
that was an illusory positive because inscriptions do not in fact require running your own node
now that it's clearer that inscriptions are a net negative, consider joining my campaign to mitigate them via a blocksize decrease
we meet on stacker news daily to argue with people who are wrong on the internet
I was about to ask what is the point, but your reasoning makes sense. Let's see what happens
I don't really understand the freakout over ordinals. The way I see it, it's a way to pad out any unused space in blocks with more "transactions"
Considering we're also still in a bear market and a lot of miners are hurting, the increased fees helps decentralization too. Also, minting inscriptions is way too inefficient above a certain feerate. Most ordinals seem to hover around the 1-4 sat/vB mark, so a higher feerate would reduce ordinals usage anyways
Are you really in favor of doing a hard fork to decrease blocksize just because of inscriptions / ordinals?
(Correct me if I am wrong, but to my understanding, it will be a hard fork since blocks bigger than the new smaller size won't be valid anymore)
That sounds like total overkill to me. They are paying for block space. It's not an attack.
SegWit enabled Lightning Network. The current situation just tells us we should use it more imo.
A blocksize decrease is a soft fork because old nodes won't reject smaller blocks as if they were invalid -- when they see a small block they think "that's fine, there's no rule that says blocks have to be huge, they're just allowed to be"
A soft fork is a new restriction on bitcoin blocks or their contents, done in such a way that old nodes still see all the new block contents as perfectly valid
A hard fork removes a restriction on bitcoin blocks or their contents, done in such a way that old nodes see the new block contents as invalid because they break a rule that those nodes still enforce
They are paying for block space. It's not an attack.
It's not an intentional attack (except when I do it I suppose, because I explicitly intend it as an attack) but it does dump jpegs on bitcoin's blockchain so that it is harder to run a node. I run a node because I want bitcoin to be the best money it can be. To the extent that it is also a storehouse for monkey jpegs my motivation to participate falls a bit, because to me that "storing other people's random files" is a poor reason to run a node. I don't mind storing other people's transactions, even when it's somewhat hard on my machine, because doing so helps me know that my coins are valid. I do mind storing their nfts because there is no benefit to me.
A soft fork is a new restriction on bitcoin blocks or their contents, done in such a way that old nodes still see all the new block contents as perfectly valid
A hard fork removes a restriction on bitcoin blocks or their contents, done in such a way that old nodes see the new block contents as invalid because they break a rule that those nodes still enforce
Okay, makes sense from a full node perspective. But I was thinking about miners: Any miner which produces a block bigger than your new smaller limit will be incompatible with your fork.
So there will be one fork mining small blocks and one fork mining big blocks, no?
And not only one chain which everyone sees valid like in a soft fork.
All soft forks impose new restrictions on miners that they have to follow to stay in consensus. E.g. the segwit softfork took bc1 addresses -- which used to be "anyone can spend" addresses, because you could spend them without a signature -- and made it so you could only spend them if you put a signature in the witness data. At the time, miners running an old node still "thought" they were anyone_can_spend addresses, but if they had ever tried creating a block spending one without a signature, upgraded nodes would have considered that block invalid.
So when a soft fork happens it is important for every miner to update their nodes otherwise they can mine invalid blocks and the network will reject them...and they will lose money
If someone wants to pay 29 to 100 sats per vbyte who am I to stop them? You go right ahead and mint your sats, to each their own as long as they pay the price and not me
Hug of death
I had to look up this term because I am not familiar with it
For those not familiar, it means a site went down due to a sudden influx of traffic
The site briefly went down for about two minutes because while fixing a bug I accidentally deleted most of the code and then had to restore it from github
Try again
Please delete it again
What's the size limit?
350 kilobytes
in theory it's possible to make them up to 4 megabytes but my javascript screws up when you get much bigger than 350 kilobytes
and nodes won't relay transactions that are bigger than 400 kb anyway, though they will accept them if they see them in a block
When i try to upload a file higher than 120 kb or something it gives me a pop up saying it has a limit. Are you sure it's 350 kilobytes?
It has a soft limit (120kb) and a hard limit (350kb), you can override the soft limit by clicking through the prompt, which tells you to click ok to ignore the warning. But you can't override the hard limit except by modifying the code.
interesting. half of me wishes devs wouldn't enable this shit. what was your motivation for creating this tool?
I had several motivations, one of them is here: #152035
What is the max file size? I’d like to make a 4mb-er. Is this something you can help me with?
deleted by author
it's a wallet that supports Casey Rodamor's ordinal protocol for doing NFTs on bitcoin
the one I've been using is here: ordinalswallet.com -- I cannot vouch for it because I haven't read their code, all I can say is I've been using it for two days so far and they haven't stolen my money yet (I also only have 1000 sats and a picture of a duck on there)