As bitcoiners we all strive for a financial system that is designed to operate without the element of trust.
While I come to the conclusion that this is indeed a great idea in order to provide a more level economic playing field and to disincentivise malicious behaviour.
I think that most of us still rely on a lot of trust in our daily lives. To that extent, that we don't even realise our dependence on another party operating in the ways we would like them to operate.
A system without trust is such a revolutionary and foreign idea that it's implications are hard or not even possible to grasp at all. Especially because our whole lives are built around and upon trust. Even in ways we could not imagine.
I think it is of huge importance to realise the amount of trust, ones life is still reliant upon in order to properly pave a way towards a system without trust.
Try to perceive how intertwined your live is with trust in general. Only then you will have the opportunity to truly let go of it.