Very cool!
You could make a suite of tools similar to this for projects eg filecoin so a maxi can use the service without touching the shitcoin.
Could not fetch repl id from url
Could not fetch repl id from url
Could not fetch repl id from url unclesamtoshi
Could not fetch repl id from url sats2cycles
What am I missing?
That's the url of the hosted website, the actual repl for the code is However, it wont work tipping that because that would be a self tip.
Got it.
I can't be the only person to not understand that the hosted site is not what the tool is looking for. Can the tool be modified to convert from the site URL to the code repl automatically, to handle this scenario?
This is literally just tokenized gift cards. Better to just hold bitcoin and spend it where you want, on what you want, when you want. Thanks for the 50k sats though.
Yes it is literally buying tokenized gift cards. Its a cool way around not having to put in credit card info to buy some of their compute power.
And if you run it yourself, it's a way to sell your cycles for bitcoin.