I wouldn't describe myself as a minimalist but over the past couple years I have become more of a neccessitist. I sold a business, sold a property and moved out of the city. Went from 3 cars (2 cars and a work van) to 1. I only go places or do things I deem necessary now. Since I am semi-retired I only take on work/projects that I want to do. I don't give a shit about vacations, if we are going away we will go to see my wife's family in texas and stay for a month or 2. I don't go to restaurants often, maybe a few times a year. I don't buy things unless I need them or really desire them and I try to buy the most affordable versions possible when I do. I have reduced my monthly expenses by around 3k a month since leaving the city and divesting of a property and car. This affords me the ability to only have to work part time to live a comfortable life and spend more time with my kids.
By focusing on what's truly necessary and important to you, you've been able to simplify your life and create more space and time for the things that matter. This is a valuable lesson for anyone who's looking to live a more intentional and fulfilling life, regardless of whether they consider themselves a minimalist or not.