Finished LNURL-auth and session management on Should be stable now. Everyone, feel free to test! (There isn't much to do on the website after login, though)
However, some wallets like WoS don't work. I think I need to mention supported wallets like SN does.
But really annoying that some wallets pretend like they support LNURL-auth but they don't (?)
Also, can you guess which website inspired my design? ;)
Gigi was similarly inspired I think ... although it's deviated a bit:
I remember someone launched a project once that even had "waiting for you..." prompt and I lol'd because it's pretty bad UX technically.
it's pretty bad UX technically.
I want to replace polling with server-side events to prevent the network tab filling up with errors lol.
Then I can also add a more slick UI/UX like showing "Authentication successful" for a short while before redirecting.
I just meant the "waiting for you" part. It should be something less confrontational and more conversational educational.
Ah, gotcha
Would be hilarious if the prompt gets more-passive aggressive over time