Totally agree! (and as @siggy47 said, are few things that can say that 😂)
This reminds me of a dialog with my wife few years ago: wife: we need to buy a new sofa, I don't like this one anymore... me: what is wrong with this sofa? You can still sit on it and even sleep on it. wife: but I don't like it anymore and I want to have a new one for when my mother will come to visit... me: are you crazy? we better just buy / stack more sats. End of discussion, no sofa, more sats.
We need to get used to spend money (sats) ONLY on things that really matter in our life. Not just for the sake of spending.
I have a hard time believing the discussion ended there but okay. 😅
Haha, I love this story! It's a great example of how important it is to prioritize our spending and focus on the things that really matter.
Like in that meme with Saylor chairs...