Focus on nocoiners. The ones which are genuinely interested and will tell you that they don't know much about it.
Shitcoiners who don't want to learn will learn the lesson on their own if given enough time.
I care about my friends and family much more than I do about strangers, but still, I'm not going to orange pill them unless they show genuine interest. I can test the waters and nudge them (e,g, by pointing out the flaws of the incumbent system) without even mentioning Bitcoin. And take it from there.
At the end of the day it's not about money, but about becoming a better person. Instead of forcefully trying to convince people about the merits of Bitcoin, the best I can do is exemplify the values I believe Bitcoin nurtures. If Bitcoin is to make me a better person, I don't have to go knocking on their doors to promote it; one they will notice the change in me and come knocking on mine. And if it doesn't, I'm not the right medium to spread its gospel.
So yeah, basically this. Well said.