I think its safe to say that the current fees to use Bitcoin are fake. They are artificially being pumped up. Because if it was legitimate demand then the lightning network would be growing instead. Its faster and cheaper way to transact bitcoin, but its not growing as far as i can tell. So give it a few months and the mempool will be like a desert again.
I'm far from politically correct but judging by sats I don't understand why people here still tolerate DarthCoin's comments. You can be knowledgeable and blunt without being a grumpy asshole.
The inflation we are experiencing is not caused by low rates, they have been low for over a decade with no inflation. raising rates may only slow inflation temporarily if at all. the underlying cause is a reduction on productivity and the underlying cause for that can be summed up to a lack of freedom, a lack of belief in the future! Rising rates wont do shit in this regard. Lower taxes, show real leader ship, common sense, give the people back their dignity or productivity will continue to shrink. slaves only do the bare minimum.
Sent some utxos to samourai expecting to get some mixing done but the utxos aren’t showing up after 11 confirmations. I check my nodl dojo and of course it’s down stuck on syncing. Search “dojo” in telegram on how to fix with no luck. I think this is the last straw with this product. Everytime I needed this node for something it has always failed me. Never no more shutting the nodl down for good today. Too unreliable. Documentation is terrible and I’m just sick of it not working as it should!
Just orange pilled my cousin this morning. Got him to install WoS, sent him some sats and introduced him to his favorite podcasts on fountain.fm. Let's see if it sticks.