I launched 2 apps on the Umbrel app store:
  1. Lightning Shell http://lightningshell.app
  2. usocial http://usocial.me
While Lightning Shell is already very useful for people who know how to use the command line, I do think I need some help from the community to take it to the next level: make it accessible for anyone (I wrote here about my motivation behind this project). Basically I was thinking to introduce a "tutorials" feature. Something like a "cook book" for things one can do in CLI. Ideally these would be things related to Bitcoin/LN, but not necessary so. I wrote a first example here - a simple way to build your own Block Clock. I'm thinking it would be nice to have tutorials for anything, like opening channels, generating invoices, sending on-chain BTC, sending Telegram messages, etc etc etc. As a bonus, at the end of every "recipe", the author would (optionally) include his node's public key and could receive sats as a donation (people following the recipe are already inside Lightning Shell, they can send a tip without any friction)
As for usocial, it is a podcast client and feed reader that runs on your Umbrel node. It can send Lightning payments directly to the podcast creators if they are using the podcast:value tag (value4value). It works well enough for me, but honestly I am not that much of an UI guy, if anyone feels like they would make the UI better, I am sure the community would be forever grateful.