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The portuguese state has been pushing to pass legislation to be able to forcefully occupy empty real-estate. One of the announced ways this would be achieved, would be through monitoring of electricity/water/gas usage in the property.
This "solution" is supposed to solve homelessness and high rent prices. But funny enough, most or all ministers housing is excluded from this proposal. An utter disregard not only to private property, but specifically property of the common shitizen.
There's a good amount of pushback from all sides, but it doesn't seem clear the proposal will be rejected. This shows how property is seen by a socialist state, and the inevitable side-effects of market distortions created by state intervention.
Easy, put a few miners in your empty property
That's a great solution!
I love the idea of bypassing this with a raspberry pi with some cron jobs to turn on and off some water taps and lights to fake usage. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Great business idea. Showing the middle finger to the mafia and selling RPi boxes to home owners. πŸ˜ƒ
The market distortions for the housing and also people gaming this system to keep their house 'occupied' will be insane. I dont know what the outcome would be exactly but I know it would be inefficient as all hell and result in more people poor and desperate than before the law.
Lol fucking hell, I get homelessness is bad and property is keeping people from owning a home, but confiscation without compensation is F'd up always. If something like this does go through I would imagine real estate prices would fall through the floor in Portugal
Yes, because no one in their right mind would seriously invest there, knowing that it could be repurposed if it's vacant for too long.
This is horrifying. Madeira should look to secede and declare its independence.
That would be great on a lot of levels, but I suspect they're afraid of loosing the benefits a "poor country" gets from EU... you know, the usual fiat mentality of getting free shit without working for it.
No doubt. I don't seriously think it would happen, and the entire EU would unite to prevent it even if the citizens of Madeira wanted it.
Ohhh...Bad to read that. Spain will be the next to try that for sure...
I can't believe this is a pro-bitcoin, low-tax country. But most drugs are legal there which reveals their true nature, IMHO.
Are they at least paying the owner as in nyc? Or seizing it?
Wherever there's good property ownership rights, bitcoin will do well
They don’t give a rats ass about the homeless. This is their justification for police state monitoring.
How come did we not think of this solution to homelessness before? πŸ˜…
Mudah mudah selalu ada solusinya
People can't afford to pay a rent while multinationals like BlackRock own thousands of empty apartments. Well done Portugal.
It almost feels like part of a plan... πŸ€”