In the spirit of #MarchOffTwitter, did you know you can “follow” Twitter users or any RSS feed on Nostr?
For Twitter, you can use privacy centric website Nitter to get a RSS feed for Twitter users. This is anonymous; no sign up required. Once you found their address on Nitter simply add /rss at the end. For example: >>
One you have a RSS feed URL you can then use Simply input the RSS feed URL and it will automatically generate a public key you can follow using your Nostr client.
Make sure you add wss:// as a relay for the new users to be visible.
PS: The website appears to have intermittent issues. If you get an error 502 try again and it usually works after a few tries.
I fundamentally disagree with MarchOffTwitter. Nostr is not ready to replace twitter, nor does it have the needed network effect. Hiding out on nostr, zapping each other, looking at purple ostrich memes is fun and all but twitter still holds great influence over the public mind share and those just retreating to their nostr citadel are risking that mindshare surrounding Bitcoin is co-opted by shitcoiners and fudsters without any pushback.
Good point on not leaving space to shitcoiners, fudsters and fraudsters. Bitcoiners should populate all spaces, including Fakebook and LinkedIn for example.
Over time and when Nostr is ready to scale massively, then we can talk about mass migration. In the meantime, por qué no los dos?
Excellent utility
The relay is showing 502 error though when i try to get the public key.