I occasionally earn Bitcoin helping out a former business partner. He will call me sometimes to get advice on new or existing accounts/projects and always offers to pay me for my time but I tell him send me sats or I will do it for free. So he sends me 50k sats for 15mins or less chat and 100k sats for more than 15 mins. I am happy to help, I still get some commissions from the business so I want it to do well. I would do it for free but I can't resist the sats.
This is the only work I have done for Bitcoin thus far. I would like to explore using Bitcoin payments as leverage to undercut competition in offering services but I haven't gotten around to it yet as I am enjoying my semi-retirement and have gotten a bit lazy. When the hunger burns great enough again, I will start something new and see how I can integrate Bitcoin but for now I am content working small contract jobs and hanging out with my kids.
What kind of services do you offer?
Cheers, GR
I recently started a small Russian-language blog about bitcoin