This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
I think ive stumbled upon an under researched area of climate change. All i wanted was to be sure what the difference between an asteroid, meteor and comet was. I did learn the difference, and it was a meteor i was thinking off when i needed to make sure. But then i learned that several hundred of tonnes of metors burn up in the atmosphere each day as well. but there doesent seem to be any research for wether or not this impacts our climate. you would think it does. several hundred tonnes of matter being added each day? that adds up? But who knows :) maybe i will find out. have a nice day.
It wouldnt surprise me if Pfizer and co is behind the war in Ukraine. It has been such a great distraction. Prevent the public opinion from dissemening what happened during COVID-19 and wether or not the vaccines and lockdowns and masks were actually helpful (evidence suggests it wasnt) but as time goes on the chances for a proper investigation goes down. Good job Pfizer and co! You really did a slam dunk :) Can i join you?
Enjoyed this rip your unit of account matters!
Good afternoon everyone!! It's Sunday funday, no NFL today but certainly in the mood to start the grill, perhaps a dip in the pool just to wash off the stress from the week and start fresh Monday morning. I wish you a glorious day as well and stay focused, relaxed and be patient. Be well and stay frosty everyone!!
Bought a couple Amazon gift cards from the Bitcoin Company for purchases I was going to make anyway, under a minute had them redeemed, earned some sats back, withdrew those over lightning. Then bought the sats I spent back on Strike and sent to my lightning wallet.
Basically just did a regular debit DCA, but earned some rewards. Playing around with all this and actually spending sats is becoming increasingly easy and enticing for this holder.
Thinking about how to best get my kids interested in Bitcoin. I try to talk about it once in a while in random occassions and I think some stuff is sinking in, but would like to do more. I can get them wallets and send them some sats, but not sure where they can actually use them in their lives. Any suggestions about how else to get primary school kids involved are welcomed. Thanks in advance.
Spending within the circular bitcoin economy is ideal, but until that's fully ready to go, they can use their sats to buy gift cards on Bitrefill. They can buy their own video games via gift cards, if they're into gaming :)
Good point. Thanks
Zebedee and Thunder games is a good start. Get them playing and earning some sats. I pay my kids "allowance" in sats. If my oldest (12) helps me wash the car or fix something in the house, even if he is just passing me tools or holding a flashlight, I will give him some sats. I will play a jeopardy style trivia game with him in the car sometimes where I will give him 5 categories to pick from and he can win sats for every correct answer and then we will do a final jeopardy style questions where I will give him a category and he has to wager some of his sats. Whatever he amount he ends up with, usually around 100 sats in the end, I send to his zebedee wallet.
My little one is only 4 so she doesn't know too much about bitcoin, other than telling me she wants to buy it on my phone. haha.
Thanks for your ideas. Gaming seems to be the most natural way to go for sure.
As a teacher, I think the best way to get kids interested is games. Gamification is a trending pedagogical method in my country’s formal educational system. In fact, I just came from Damus, a Nostr relay, because I was playing some word games on Cowdle. It’s similar to Wordle, except that I have to guess a six-letter word correctly. Pretty addictive, not least because I can get up to 250 sats if I guess a word right.
You may also want to look into Zebedee. I haven’t played the games there yet but seems like one can stack sats through games like Sudoku.
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Will try :). Good thought
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Reading about Chaumian eCash and increasing Feng Shui of my space
Gotta get cashu or nutstash! I’ll drop you some tokens
Open to Comments: If the planet is going to get on a Bitcoin standard, that process is going to involve a whole bunch of proof of work, both literally and figuratively.

Stacker News improvement proposals

  1. U can use any hashtags along with the posts
  2. Searching posts based on hashtags
  3. following authors
  4. following hashtags
  5. in addition to recent and top and jobs there can be another top level menu 'like minded zaps'
  6. Like minded lists all the posts with the hashtags that i have liked most in my life time and authors who post on those my liked hashtags and those authors posts whom i have liked multiple times . Weightage is assigned like
  7. To open this menu i need to zap at least 5 different posts

HW hashtag weightage

the % of time i have zapped satoshis for that hashtag amongst all other hashtags - there may be hundreds of hashtags and i have zapped for #nostr and #coding say 2% and 3% each of my total zaps - so for each hashtag i have a hashtag weightage assigned - my account will be associated with only my top 5 hashtags

myhashtags - each accounts will have 5 hashtags added to their account dynamically based on my zapping posts ( In future weightage can be added for the myhashtags of authors whom i follow

AW author weightage

the % of time an author is using the hashtag in his total usage of hashtags

AHRW author hastag reputation weightage

% of total satoshi earned by that author on that hashtag out of the total satoshis earned by all authors in the same hashtag.

PRW post reputation weightage

% of total satoshi earned by that post compared to the total satoshi earned by all posts using the same top 5 hashtags during the month

TPW total post weightage = HW x AW x AHRW x PRW

The posts under this section like minded zaps are displayed in such a way that the post with maximum TPW is displayed first as the First 5 posts The next 3 posts will be the most recent posts on the same hashtags with highest HW The next 3 posts will be the most recent posts on the same hashtags with highest AW The next 3 post will be the most recent posts on the same hashtags with the highest AHRW The next 3 post will be the most recent posts on the same hashtags with the highest AHRW
Out of the 12 recent posts some of the posts will start gaining more zaps and satoshis and thereby gain more visibility in the section 'like minded zaps'
Some good suggestions.
Great suggestions!
I support this
Is that all?
Thats not all. If there is interest i can write more. :)
Keep it coming!
So day two after my latest nostr screw up. I am getting into the routine of downloading a fresh json backup file every morning. I'm still kicking myself.
It’s all good man it happens to the best of us . I lost so much data throughout the years due to different reasons.
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