NOSTR BASED deployment notes

transcript of the youtube video

I dont have much experience in programming but i managed to deploy a clone of on my computer in less than 30 minutes.
Lets do it once more from scratch So I setup a new user account in my MacBook.
To run most of the web based projects in GitHub I know that I need visual studio code to be downloaded.

Step 1 - Download Visual studio code

So Lets download that. From the link
Let the download continue meanwhile let’s explore where the GitHub code for is available.

Step 2 - Github code

So this is the link for the GitHub source code for

Step 3 - Install VS Code

Step 4 - Clone the Source code from GitHub

So now we have cloned the repository to VS code
Lets find out what is the programming language used for blog stack


Lets find out how to install typescript in VS code
permission denied when trying to install
Lets try with sudo cammand
sudo npm install -g typescript
Installed with sudo
So I know that I have to type npm start command to run the application but its not working
Seems like next.js needs to be installed
So lets try that
sudo npm install next react react-dom
Server is started now at http://localhost:3000
But nothing is working..
There seems to be an error. Let’s check what it is.
Seems like we have to use this command
sudo npm run build
But it’s not working because of the same permission issue. This issue may not happen in your computer if u are logged into the admin user.
Now we can again use the sudo command here.
All seems to be working good.
Lets try to start again
npm run start

 wow - now blog stack is deployed on your local host and u can start tinkering with blog stack
page.tsx seems to be the main page from which the code is working.. Lets try to tinker - as I don’t know much coding :)
I changed the case to small case.
Changed the spelling of topics to topix.
Lets see
First I think we have to commit the code changes..
Then build it again and then start
Build and started
Now lets see if the changes reflect in the localhost
Tinkering succesful
So next step would be to deploy a clone in a cloud server with a nice domain name.
And then I think I will be learning typescript slowly to understand how to change and evolve the code according to my ideas..
Had published few ideas in my previous posts in
Ideas to connect exceptionally good authors on relevant topics with like minded people across the world following the same topic
Nearby Protocol #140034
Nearby Protocol - Dividend Protocol and invite protocol - >#141392
These are few ideas I wish to integrate to a nostr client
So if any developers interested in joining - please comment or you can email to - Or just comment on this post in - Lets form a community of newly emerging programmers