This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
2 listings on ~jobs... very cool!
I love this daily discussion thread... Awesome idea...
It was @gmd’s idea
LOL my only ideas are to steal from reddit which should always warrant some thoughtful pushback...
It is nice to have a "lounge" for those of us who are shy about posting to their own thread.
Has this Daily discussion thread always been in position #7 (since being moved from position #1)? Seems, to me, that it is now higher in the list than I remember.
It used to be in position #3 (I think) and a couple month ago we moved it to #7. It was never in #1 actually.
One other question: how actively do you want SN mentioned on HN right now? There does seem like a lot of opportunities to drop it into a discussion every time someone goes "well that's just because HN hates crypto"
I support all SN shilling but especially to anyone who seems earnest.
Nothing feels better than to building something you want.
Why do you think HN clones for subfields fail to reach critical mass (or cynically, eternal September)? The closest example I can think is for ML, which is inert.
How does SN overcome this?
They don't do anything all that much better so never get a decent network effect. Afaik the only meaningful difference between HN and lobsters is that lobsters is invite only.
SN will attempt to overcome this by being significantly better.
  1. we pay users - karma is not just an entry in a silo'd db, it's money on a global ledger ... and we have immediate plans to do a lot more wrt this
  2. web of trust ranking will allow users to personalize the content they see - hybrid commons/private property vs strictly a commons
  3. novel post types (e.g. jobs, eventually product hunt like posts, podcasts, bounties, classifieds, etc)
  4. economic ranking algos where it makes sense - compete and pay more to get your content seen
  5. marketplaces ... we have tools for sending the best money on earth around and people are here - it's natural that they'd sell stuff to each other
  6. sybil resistance where it makes sense - e.g. want to send saylor a message, stake 25k sats
  7. decentralizition ... unstoppable p2p social networks haven't yet existed because they don't have the means to incentivize their existence. I firmly believe Bitcoin fixes this - Bitcoin's existence is proof that such a system can exist and we'll use Bitcoin to incentivize a decentralized SN
Those are my current thoughts anyway.
Interesting point on #6 - that decentralization could be better accomplished via good old fashion incentives over fancypants onchain web3 style hosting (if I understand the point correctly). But it's a big idea, so that will have to wait for another day...
Onlookers: I edited my comment. #7 used to be #6.
Yeah social media on a blockchain makes little sense to me, but using Bitcoin to incentivize storing and relaying data - and also using it to make attacks expensive - makes a bunch of sense to me.
Oh man, I'm working on making SN rain sats down on users and it gives me goosebumps.