This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
How can the crypto industry be re-united? What will it take for people to agree on which chain to settle on? The fragmentation that currently exists is damaging imo. But i could be wrong.
Would anyone want to work together on this and split the bounty (unless someone else completes it first)?
0.1 BTC is 1 year living costs for me... But I don't think I could complete this on my own. I have experience with marketplace dev ( and some basic Nostr experience ( I made a digital download auto-fulfillment script before, but it was centralized (vs. a relay-client model) and used on-chain payments. I didn't work with custom post types, clients, Zaps, etc. yet.
I imagine it would be possible to create a custom post type for digital download listings (with an encrypted download link) and use the Zap feature to prove payment. Then (somehow) the digital download link is decrypted and presented to the buyer.
Bout to dump my Microsoft shares for LQQDF and CBTTF!
Remember guys, when you are onboarding or orange pilling people, first priority is the person. What do they need in life, how can you truly help them? Sometimes we get so sucked up in evangelizing freedom money that we can forget that people are our brothers and sisters.
Be nice first. Be right in your toxic maxi stuff, but don't let it be your entire personality. We will win, but the wellbeing of your friends and family is the focus.
Just learning how to use LND. I thought it would be neat to open a channel to from my node. As a node operator, do you see the incoming channel opened? I guess itโ€™s not automatic to fund it in return? This process relies on out of band communication to get a channel funded in both directions, is that right?
On lnd, yes - dual funding a channel requires out of band interaction afaik. Core Lightning has this a configuration option and does interaction in-band.
I don't monitor channel opens on our node, but if I were looking I could see it.
If you want to balance your channel, spend out of it either by swapping to on-chain or buying stuff/zapping.
Thanks for the response! Still learning this stuff ๐Ÿ˜…
Is this a good way to promote my node?
  • I'll tip my cowboy hat to the first person that opens a channel to my node, details in bio.
Let's stack these sats!
My relatives who are "normal investors" are excited because the US 2 year yield is hitting 5%. They look at it as being able to get a good return on their money without the risks of investing in the stock market. They still see US treasuries as the safest investment in the world. They don't seem to fully comprehend that earning 5% when inflation is at best 6.5% means you're losing buying power. They also miss that raising treasury yields means the world is losing faith in the US dollar.
Once your portfolio gets relatively large, having a close to risk-free option at 5% is extremely good.
Even the long time fav dividend stock "O" is paying less, and that's with a floating stock price.
There is no replacement for USD on the global stage remotely close in the short term. even if bitcoin were to raise up, it would take years until countries remotely begin to using it for trade by default because of volatility alone, so a 2 year scale it's extremely risk-off to be buying treasuries
Good analysis, and you're probably right, but there are some legitimate cracks in the dollar armour:
  1. Sanctions, removing nations from SWIFT, etc, resulting in some loss of confidence
  2. Nordtream Pipeline. If european countries accept Semour Hersh's theory, things could get dicey.
  3. There are a growing number of countries reducing use of dollar for either idealogical or practical reasons: Russia, Belarus, China, India,Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Japan, to name a few.
I agree it's probably too early, but we might be wrong.
I think the only real challenge would be if China were to continue its growth for the next decades or so.
1 and 2 are not really an issues imo.
  1. Doesn't matter because there is only one real competitor for SWIFT, and it's the CIPS from China, which is extremely shit and good luck convincing nations move from the west's approved payment system to china's approved payment system. Global trade is about making nations work together to build, and using it to deter bad behaviour. Even Swiss froze Russia asset, which is just as big if not more.
  2. Mistrust between US and EU aren't rare, but this wouldn't be an issue because mistrust and corruption between BRICS nations are definitely even larger.
This is also why anti-west also go for the "XYZ is just a lapdog for the US", they want to use the public to break the alliance, not understanding countries reaches decisions after discussion as an alliance.
Feel the pain there. It's hard to help people see that what they are investing in is a carefully stacked house of cards.
They have been trained well. Itnis easier to teach someone new than to retrain brainwashed minds.
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