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Hi plebs, I need your help. I recently started a Bitcoin club at a local high school, but the people in it and I are having trouble getting people interested, and some of the people who agreed to come to it aren't staying that interested either.
atm we are just doing weekly meetup discussions on different Bitcoin related things, but I want to hear ideas for how to get more people interested in this. I didn't make this a bounty but I'll send 300 sats to each person who gives an idea that seems really good.
Very good idea!
Start with some memes. Are more attractive for young.
Good idea! We had been talking about putting fliers around the school to get the word out, and it might be useful to put some memes on them.
Also, I was considering putting almost clickbaity questions on some of the fliers to spark interest, such as
  • Why are people buying Bitcoin?
  • Is crypto a scam?
  • Could Bitcoin end war?
  • What is money really?
And other stuff and then putting a blurb at the bottom saying, "Come to the club meeting to find out." If anybody has ideas for other stuff to put on them that would be great
This is a good idea. Have a meme contest. Winners get 10,000 sats and everyone who enters gets 100 sats.
Bring gadgets! Even grown ups love buying candy from a ln-enabled candy machine. lol.
(Then offer to organize workshops to build the gadgets)
Great idea!
do a multisig building party and get everyone to practice signing + sending sats around to each other with psbt signing circles.
you can do this easy with sparrow + bluewallet; if you wanted to hop on a video chat i can show you how to make this work. shoot me a dm on twitter @niftynei :D
Give people sats if they come and stick around for a while.
No. Give sats ONLY as a reward after they learned more about using Bitcoin. Otherwise they will just forget about those sats. You will literally throw money on the window.
Agree with this
Start a project. Talking about Bitcoin is boring.
Lots of people have put down some good ideas for projects. Any you think would be cool?
A bitcoin wallet.
Jesus' parable of the farmer scattering seed comes to mind.
There are things you cannot control. Just keep scattering seed.
Just tell them how government works with the help of the good old Ron Swanson:
they can take it from there...

Why? easy, imoi:
  • Bitcoin is a solution to a series of problems many don't think they have.
Show them the problem and they will ask for Bitcoin.
Ask the students how much their parents paid for their house, and how much their house is worth now (help them realize inflation and how bitcoin solves that)
I teach at a junior high school. From my experience teaching restless and hyperactive teenagers, I can say that getting them to stay back after school to discuss what they consider high-brow stuff like Bitcoin is a really bad idea. Kids that age like gaming. Someone else mentioned Zebedee, which I think may work. Getting them to form their own groups and play against each other may get them excited about sats in the first place. After all, their competitive spirit is evoked. Coin Hunt World isn’t available in my country, but I would think it would become a hit among your students. The whole notion of moving around and answering trivia questions and earning some sats should appeal to them.
Another thing I know teenagers like is self-expression. With the de-influencing trend going viral these days, they like to take 0.5 photos and post TikTok videos and whatnot. Maybe allow them to use their phones to produce videos and photos related to Bitcoin and upload them on their social media. You can ask them something as innocuous as “make an ELI5 video on Stacker News” so that they are compelled to do research while making their product. They are addicted to likes and views. Once they receive attention from their social networks, I guarantee you that they will be hooked on creating more content about Bitcoin.
Good luck!
Tell them the truth... that public schools are prisons. Show them that the construction companies building schools are the same ones building prisons.
John Taylor Gatto (NYC Teacher of the Year in 1989, 1990, and 1991 and NY State Teacher of the Year in 1991) explains why schooling is horrible.
get the finest chicks in your school to join and the rest will work itself out
We've had a lot of success minting bitcoiners with our Satlantis minecraft server. It's a great way to get sats into people's hands without them having to just buy them on an exchange. Just play minecraft and stack sats :)
Perhaps for one of your meetings you can throw a minecraft LAN party. That should interest some people who may otherwise not have been. You can even start a clan for the players at your school to increase your odds of earning.
Feel free to reach out on discord, happy to discuss and help coordinate.
Discord: duhneeno#0463
Or email at howdy@satlantis.net
You keep it secret keep it underground people will want to be a part of it
Start with Bitcoin Magazine's 21 days of Bitcoin, this is the link to start https://21days.b.tc/
You can get games expecially Bitcoin Lightning games which they can earn from.
People in high school are broke AF. Offering them some sats would incentivize some of them to learn enough to get a wallet to receive free money.
After that becomes too easy/boring, you could start doing bounties, offering sats for some task in Bitcoin. Set up a lightning node?, here are some sats.
They will show up for the sats, but stay for the knowledge.
I haven’t been in high school since ‘09 …be yourself? State facts and those who are interested will gravitate towards you
Definitely use this webpage somehow: tangle.sheep. People just love it.
Also, if the high school has an electronics/3D printing club, you could plan something together. There's a lot of fun tinkering around Bitcoin that can be done with Arduinos, ESP32s and a bit of PLA.
Maybe a zebedee games competition.
when i was in high school what help me want to get involved was if there was weed involved.
potentially you could show them a quick demo on how you can purchase a little mary jane with it
do any of the dealers in your area deal in bitcoin?
if that doesn't peek their interest another less cool option would be to show them how it works by sending everyone who comes in 100 sats.. you could also have items that they could buy with the sats as rewards. then try to get them to trade items for sats with each other. once they see how effortless it is things start to click
go around your town and find businesses that accept bitcoin and maybe have speakers come up to talk to the club about it
I'm not gonna endorse any weed dealers, but the getting local businesses involved idea is smart, especially since there are a ton of small resturants around the school people get lunch at
Do a mnemonic phrase puzzle. It can be an easter egg hunt or an ARG. Way more fun.
Also, maybe show off some cool stuff you can do with Bitcoin like multi-sig and timelocks.
If you can teach Bitcoin script it can become more of a programming club. https://bitcoin.sipa.be/miniscript/
You can go over PRs, you can read various books on economics, but they will be much less interested in that.
You can also try taking inspiration from El Zonte's Hope House: https://hopehouseelsalvador.org/en/
Kids don't want to learn after school. They just want to hang out and see who has the "biggest stack."
Maybe getting some help tutoring in exchange for sats.
Maybe some competition/games, winner gets sats.
Chess club but winner gets 100 sats. 💯
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