How would you best describe an Electrum server and what it does? We always hear about Bitcoin nodes and how they're essential, especially on your way to individual sovereignty.
Now, the somewhat overlooked part-- and definitely not as documented as nodes-- is the Electrum server.
I'm looking for good explanations (and resources) about Electrum servers and what they are. I have started garnering a decent understanding of what it is but I wanna hear the plebs, and hopefully the ones that know well, describe Electrum servers.
Electrum servers index the blockchain and interface with wallets.
While you can just use Bitcoin Core wallet functions- most personal nodes also run electrum servers to connect other types of wallets to the blockchain in a self-sovereign way.
Bitcoin Core runs independently from Electrum servers, correct? I mean, a node does not have to connect to a server because its got all the necessary information pertaining to interactions with the Bitcoin network?
My understanding is that an Electrum server needs to be installed on top of a node plus the Electrum wallet? Then, the server operates as a middleman between nodes and wallets to speed up the data interaction process?
I'm not certain these questions make sense. I do have a node package with Electrs installed and been using it a long time and connecting wallets to it but just now am I trying to better understand what I'm using.
The Electrum/EPS/Electrs repos have so far not enlightened me sufficiently. I suppose a diagram would be handy.
Yeah, you are basically right.
Two ways to look at it.
  • It's a fancy Bitcoin node. But the rest of the network doesn't really care
  • Bitcoin core is not that great at looking up the balance of random addresses. Which is why Electrum exists.
As I understand, using an personal electrum server on a separate device gives you the best privacy for interaction with your BTC wallet.
Electrum needs bitcoin core so I think 1tb SSD would be the minimum