This is neat but they are relying on ID providers like google and apple??!!
You don't require logging in now with Ghost Checkout.
Yeah but you can’t sign up for it without those ID providers?
We have a few options which should work for majority of folks.
  1. Social accounts
  2. Email (where you can use a private email)
We're considering other options but aren't there yet.
  1. Lightning Login – but have concerns given for example wallet deprecations like Blue Wallet
  2. Other private key setups – similar concerns, along with fund safety/access issues.
What specifically are you looking for?
I’d like ideally to be able to sign in with something like MetaMask.
If you assume global usage in the long run, this kind of stuff will have to get bridged.
The "they will fight you" will come from a mix of state/big-tech/luddites/etc.