Intentional or not doesn't matter.
  1. Fiatjaf like the others are just some contributors to open source code. Have nothing to do with or LN gifts page. They are not the maintainers of that service. Of course fiatjaf could not answer to your question. He's not your personal helpdesk support team 24/7 available, for a stupid gift.
  2. Seems that you find yourself the reason why the payment was not ready: LN bad liquidity, or bad routes, high fees. Yes, sometimes this shit happen with many nodes. And maybe is not even LN gifts node fault, could be many other shity nodes in between.
  3. So no, I would not consider this as scam, is just poorly managed service and really you have multiple alternatives for using gifts. Instead of wasting your time writing this, you better look for those alternatives.
  4. Looking at your SN history posting, you sounds like a shitcoiner or even BTC/LN hater that just like to complain.
I didn’t need any profiling done or attempted character assassination. I also didn’t write the article. I have heard steps have been taken to remedy the issue however.
Saw a note on Nostr