I've been running a node for more than a year and I'm happy to summarize here my experience:
Revenue vs Profit: Depending on your channels, it is possible to boost fees earned by unprofitably rebalancing certain channels. I don't see the point of doing it so I personally find it more fun / interesting to focus on improving profit vs increasing revenue from fees.
Standardizing profit metrics: I've followed many discussions about routing earnings, profit, etc... I never felt confident that: a) people were measuring the same thing; or b) that they were using a meaningful metric. I personally find it more meaningful to install LNDg (a great tool to manage your Lightning node and analyze your performance as a router), go to the P&L section and look at your "Percent Cost" on the last 30 days, 90 days and Lifetime. If your "Percent Cost" is below 100%, you are profitable. In my case, it is above 100% in all 3 metrics (not profitable).
Conclusion: I'm not saying that it is impossible to profit from routing fees but it is definitely not trivial. Currently I don't spend a lot of time managing my node and my main reasons to keep running it are:
  • sovereignty... no need to rely on custodial lightning wallets;
  • avoiding fees when moving sats around (for you and family/friends);
  • learning :)
Have fun and thank you for raising this discussion!
Haven't tried LNDg but will read more about it. Definitely sounds like a fun experience to learn and in the near (or ... probably far) future it might be a very good skillset to have, along with understanding a bit of the programming side of bitcoin / LN.
Thanks for the share!