Sorry, by income I meant how many sats you ended up earning as a fee. Funny enough I also wrote I am not looking to make a profit ;)
The challenge of going from routing 1 sat / m to 100 sats / m is a fun challenge for a person who has too much time on their hands!
Sorry for the misunderstanding. You have me thinking about it more. Early on I set up LNDg to balance channels and some of my fees got pretty high. I would occasionally get a 200-300 sat route. Those days are over. I read @DarthCoin's guides and made some changes. I was running LND over tor, but now I run hybrid umbrel with tailscale. I also switched to zero fee base routing, and cut my channel count, reducing quantity and increasing capacity of each channel. Now I have a lot of routes where I earn nothing, but typically earn 100-250 sats a day on average. Sorry for the long winded response.