Pretty much spot on. In the next 5 years we will see the first gen fully game-on, and because of bitcoin's strengths it will sink roots into every culture into the world, after this initial stage the real battle with the establishment will start.
The establishment thinks that they will make surveillance money ubiquitous. Unlike your regular bitcoiner, I know that this is not just about the bitcoin network, or even LN, but about the struggle to control the flow of information on the internet. This is why we here at Indra Labs believe that it is critical that we lay the foundations of a fully privacy protecting internet layer on top of the old, transparent, centrally monitored one.
Come to that, when you think about it, the internet itself is only just now coming into its final stages as 3rd generation. The internet became available in the late 70s and goes hand in hand with ethernet, unix, email, and these types of technology. There simply was not any way for us to move forward to a p2p, privacy protecting internet without Bitcoin first.
The only way to achieve security in a p2p network system is to have a reputation system, and fundamentally, a monetary system with very little way to corrupt it is the only possible basis of an effective reputation system. Reputation rises to have a tangible value in the post Bitcoin world. We are seeing the beginning of this now with the Zaps on Nostr. Money itself was first discovered as a means to define who had the power, and the power was based on the ability to make stuff happen, which is a lot easier when people can be paid to work for you. It's inconceivable that feudal monarchies could have risen without paying their soldiers.
And that's also why, although of course we are most focused here at Indra on our little baby, we totally see how Nostr is part of this. A lot of people don't realise that social media is now in its ~30th year or 1.5 generations point, it really started with BBS systems, which also became the first conduit for p2p information sharing over the internet, the onramp and offramp for it. Nostr is the best candidate for the first protocol for social networking. Prior to this, they were platforms, and forward-seeing folk have been trying to make this happen for a long time - but, again, without a fully secure reputational system to back it up, any such network will eventually be overrun by spammers and manipulators of various stripes.
Money was the final frontier for the internet's development when Bitcoin arose. We are now busy paving the roads into this new frontier in order to receive the traffic that will come as the benefits become visible to the wider population.
The reason why it takes such a long time to come to fruition is that the establishment does not have a benefit from adopting it, only the lower tiers of society. The establishment is just now starting to really perceive that their power is being fundamentally destroyed, and like all things, especially amongst the lame brained rentseekers that make up most of the establishment, they only realise the threat when they are far beyond being able to really do anything about it.
I'm sure that there will be more insights that come as this idea percolates in the community. I'm also quite sure that while right now our little pet project is nowhere, just like Nostr, in a year or two it's gonna be hot. Not just because it is more robust and complete than its predecessor anonymisation networks, but because it also is very likely going to be the very first protocol that is so tightly integrated with LN and Bitcoin.
Having said all that, I also foresee that the next 5 years is going to be pretty rough for us all. World War 3 has basically started, and all the stuff we are doing is very much interfering with the plumbing of the grand plans of the plutocrats to wipe out most of the population and attempt to push their plans to automate their power, at the same time, I don't think it's as dark as some writers have projected. First of all, the distribution of the assets that enable this kind of doom are not broad. There is still substantial parts of the planet without internet, not counting Starlink. But even there, you can see that the emergence of a globe spanning internet is kinda like a marker of the end of the development phase of the internet as a technology. For a not unreasonable amount of money, there is no place above ground on this planet that can't have internet.
Great thoughts! Yeah this next 5 years will be key!