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Germany purchased 8% more coal abroad in 2022 than in 2021. According to an evaluation by VDKI, a total of 44.4 million tons entered the country. Deliveries from South Africa (+ 278% to 3.9 million tons) and Colombia (+ 210% to 7.2 million tons) increased particularly strongly. This was followed by the USA (+ 32% to 9.4 million) and Australia (+ 15% to 6.3 million).
Fun fact: Russia remained the largest supplier. Despite the war and sanctions, 13 million tons were shipped to Germany - a drop of 37%.
I doubt it slows down anytime soon, especially after their close NATO ally decimated their supply of natural gas.
Would have been a great speculation... let's wait for NG to find its bottom
мир денег он такой... а что будет если перейдем на биткоин??? Даже физический забор не поможет)))
Yes. Germany is literally moving carbon around the world.
Imagine, cutting Yourself from the no. 1 supplier of energy and raw material and expecting econ growth after this work is done... nobody would be that stupid... or not??
I see it other way around. Putin is dictator and the war goes since 2014. I'd say it was fairly stupid to tie whole country to single supplier and politically ban nuclear energy. Even persisting in that after hot war started.
What about US/Nato policy, the coup of 2014, the terror of Ukraine against the russian population in Donbass, the Minsk-treaty-lie, the arming of the country by Nato, the fatal role people like the Biden family played... always watch at both sides.
  1. If Putin actually wanted to fight Nato, he failed this. + finland, + ukraine
  2. There was no terror in Donbass and this a big lie. But there actually terror takes place against Eastern Ukraine population because it is impossible to detect incumbents fighting against putin from pro-putin population. In addition stories like that are common: my friend got visited by police in Siberia because he posted anti-war status on social network.
  3. Biden is just another president if you compare to Putin who is only second actual president of Russia for more than 30 years.
No terror in Donbass? Are You kidding? And the overthrow of Janukowitsch? Ukraine is the new Afghanistan, Irak, Syria, Vietnam or take one of the orhers. The military-industrial complex is more real than You might think.