We need devs to pay attention. I literally taught myself to code because I was inspired by bitcoin. I work in EMS. This is my hobby. I am acutely aware of how inspiring bitcoin can be, and how it can make it fun to spend hours watching lectures, reading books and studying source code because of the species-chancing potential it offers.
I have moved on from really idiotic projects as my understanding has developed and as I realize which paths are useless and which paths are needed. I’m not a core dev, and I’ll never be, but I see stacker news inspiring people like me to learn things on their free time so they can build cool projects on this new internet protocol.
We need devs.
Developers 👏 developers 👏 developers 👏
The first step in understanding something, is realizing you don’t understand something, the yearning to put in the work.
I hope 10,000 devs enter the btc space hoping to code a cool NFT, then tirelessly working on a project until they pivot to something actually useful. There are so many young people coming up right now with no direction that we should not turn away, no matter how naive their initial ideas are.
I welcome everyone who has the willingness to open and IDE, say “wow, I don’t know what I’m doing, but I’ll figure it out” … then they figure it out
We need that
As a non IDE user I feel extra insulted, but I'm also told I'm a masochist apparently.
You literally sound like all the user adoption for the sake of adoption I've heard over the years and I am so done with it. Developers for the sake of developers will drive us into more shitcoinery scams.
It used to be that shitcoiners dragged Bitcoins name in the mud by associating themselves with "blockchain". The narrative was that what made Bitcoin useful was blockchain and that there was all this useful technology that could be had with it. All that has resulted in is scams, and a fundamental misunderstanding of Bitcoin as a technology. Bitcoin is a social construct first and software second.
Now we're moving from "Blockchain not Bitcoin" into "Bitcoin not Blockchain" and so the scams seem to be adapting by building the exact same problems, the exact same profiteering, with NFTs, new coins (Color coins and Taro), and everything else meant to hoodwink people who still have this fundamental misunderstanding. I am so so SO done with it.
I refuse to start anywhere other than first principles with anyone.
"Should I buy Bitcoin?" Answer: NO. Here's 10k sats, learn how to use it and back it up. Here's this resource about social constructs. But don't buy it!
"Here's my code for a Bitcoin project" Response: That should have been a lightning channel with torrent seeders, multi-sig over IRC to replace oracles, have you not heard of robux? Goodness if its going to be centralized just make it an ecash mint or plain old video game money with an SQL database.
And for you. Have you not heard of python, ruby, scratch? They have so many great resources for learning coding marketed at 12 year olds.
I'll say again because this is the true focus of everything I've just said. First principles matter. Adoption for the sake of adoption or developers for the sake of developers hurts people.
With the profit potential becoming more and more obvious the incentives for new people to get into systems programming has been massively increased.
Sure, like all things, 99% of them are going to be garbage but that 1% are gold.
We are still very early.
Also, regarding IDEs, most of them are not much more useful than VI if they don't have solid hyperlinking and symbol indexing databases. I don't like Java but IntelliJ's offering is the strongest in the field. Learning as you go is a lot easier when your editor is helping you learn the shape of the APIs you are using. When Goland provided interface resolution properly it cemented the app as my go-to for development.
Not everyone is as slow and patient as folk like you, and definitely, from my own experience, times were slower and less demanding back when I could have been doing my CS degree. Back then you also had to pay hundreds of dollars for API manuals and sometimes thousands of dollars for a compiler.
Nothing changes the overarching outcome that most who try, will fail. But programming is becoming a more and more important career for people to choose to get into, and like it or not, the masses of never-gonna-make-it are coming.
If you are good, and close to that 1% mark why should you care if a swarm of newbs are gonna get into C++, Go and Rust programming? More the merrier. More tutorials, better courses, and more jobs for those who can't manage to be programmer-entrepreneurs or celebrated geniuses.