Its not a pure L2 currently but the next release will follow Bitcoin finality. I find that interesting.
Overall the fact Stacks is getting found now is pretty interesting. It seems people a conflating the fact that Stacks-based developer teams are building tooling for Ordinals with "Stacks Ordinals". Which is obviously wrong.
I do think the blockspace debate is only going to increase exponentially so L2s and L2 like things (Stacks, Lightning, Rootstock) will be critical.
He holds a bag. Dont let him trick you.
DYOR. None of the new tools from Gamma, OrdinalsBot, or Xverse require you to use Stacks at all to use Ordinals. But they are all made via originally Stacks-based teams. Ill let individuals decide if thats important or not to them. Clearly it is to Eximpius :)
Yes, please do your own research. As long as your IQ is above 75, you will be safe and not lose your money.
So much hostility to anyone that isnt helping pump your BTC bag. Why ser?
LMAO, only a shitcoiner would think that way.. I don't have BTC for the fiat price, lmao. Stop thinking in fiat.