For those of you who work in I.T. you might be familiar with the concept of a standard operating procedure or how to guide. We usually have them in like a share drive or a one note or a shared google docs folder. Its generally a filesystem of sort organized by topic with files in each organized topic folder with a how to guide for each specific thing you want to do. So I made a github repo for this.
Consider it the Bitcoin community I.T. help desk SOP drive. Feel free to submit your pull requests as well. I 100% half-assed threw things together. I realistically need to take each of the topic from within Darthcoin's or minibolt's or lopps guides and separate them by their respective topics. "Here's Darthcoin's guide on self hosted lightning vs minibolts vs whoever else" for example.
Repo is written in markdown so if you're mid guide and you're making an assumption that the person reading should be familiar with some other guide first, you can reference that guide at that step in the guide.
And yeah its a half-assed hot mess.