Nobody knows what's going to happen but I think the internet will be taken out and then come back in a significantly more permissioned state. I also think ww3 will happen but it will probably be in Ukraine I don't think China and Russia wants to come to the United States or invade Europe atm. The battlefield will be ukraine and then there will "just" be sabotage in EU and USA including serious disruption to the internet. The war will make inflation sky rocket and lead to shortages in everything (it would probably have happened regardless the war serves as a convenient excuse and distraction). After both sides are exhausted their fighting will stop but there wont be a woke up call. US and EU will continue to do stupid shit and subject their people to madness and become even weaker as a result and eventually WW4 will happen where Russia and China will invade EU and USA and take whatever they want. That's all.
imho you're not too far off with some of that.
from what i have been told, china is already huddling around in the US national parks, and in canada. waiting for "their turn." along with other foreign national standing armies. a real mess.
as far as the internet goes, there are multiple people that think the whole thing is going to get switched off at some point,and you'll only be allowed back on if you either subscribe to the digital currency thing, or you're vaccinated, or so on.
im not really certain what would happen with that, but its interesting to consider.
as far as ukraine goes,its one of the largest money laundering and adrenochrome production areas in the world, and there is much evil there. there is also much evil in russia, and eventually russia may or may not get blamed for nuking the east coast of the united states, but hopefully this of course, never happens.