Just saw that the U.S CPI just printed 7.9%... Which got me thinking that the CPI is the biggest lie ever and is a false indicator of inflation... Inflation is going through roof just look at Chicago wheat futures up 60 % this year alone, Palm Oil 50 % and WTI crude up over 45 % YTD plus have you seen just how much your rent has increased in the past year ? Inflation most be between 20 to 50 % globally depending from which country you are from... I believe inflation will continue to raise as oil and food prices increase due to the war in Ukraine, soaring fertilizer costs, countries banning grain exports, supply chain issues & of cause devaluation of fiat currencies... Tough times ahead for the middle class and the poor...
Saying that inflation in the US is 7.9% is like saying that the temperature in the US is 68.3°F...