Twitter has battled with bots for years, and has actually never fully solved the problem in a satisfactory and transparent manner.
VH has the potential to fix it in a very effective manner.
This can also be achieved by using existing organic metrics, e.g. humans tend to have (human) followers, bots don't (the spammy ones anyway).
How do you know the entity behind an account is human or a bot? This is precisely the problem that VH is attempting to solve.
Usually you don't have to be 100% sure. E.g. for spam or DDoS protection you just need to know with high enough certainty. The pursuit of certainty is a lost cause, because a human could always verify a bot manually and fool the system, or some AI might trick it eventually. But the tool makes sense as just one solution out of many working together, in the same way that having a multitude of relays makes Nostr decentralized.
I agree with everything, you just need to know with high enough certainty, and VH achieves this IMHO.
Yes, this is the fact.
So... a social credit score for Nostr.. lol no thanks
I think of it as a reputation system. This is not a bad thing as long as it's not centralised, and Nostr urgently needs a solid RS.
I read the spec, it is simple and elegant, in the true spirit of nostr.
I'm bullish on it.