Gold LOL. As a money stupid, because it can never be a currency, as that requires it to be inscribed with the authority of the state.
First as currency:
We live in a rapidly digitizing world where we have 2B websites, more goods and services being added to the Internet daily, and many of those goods and services becoming digital themselves. Dafuq am I supposed to put gold into my Chrome web browser? I can with bitcoin. Austrians could never account for the rapid digitization of the world, and are wrong about gold. Remote work is increasing too, my employer in New York isn't paying me gold in India. The game streamer isn't getting micropayments in gold dust. I want to jack-off now, I'm not paying the porn site subscription through USPS.
Now as Money:
Bitcoin is a payment network. Gold is not a payment network. This is a problem for gold especially if we get a CBDC and paperless world. How then is gold's value abstracted to use it? By selling it for CBDC spyware. This makes it especially incompatible with offshore tax havens where the on/off ramps are surveilled. Commodity money is good. Commodity backed money is a scam, requiring several layers of trust and abstraction, meaning the morons trying to back their fiat with gold are looking to start the same game over again from 0. Too late.
They'll find the Allies eventually collude and dump all their gold on the open market destroying the monetary premium forever. The Americas are rapidly developing synergy with bitcoin, from industrial grade grid attachments, legal tender experiments, publicly listed bitcoin companies, mining silicon production, to chartered bank custody. Also, stablecoin issuers are now major buyers of short-term government debt (Treasuries). When they're all over the Lightning payment network, which every business in the world from the lemonade stand to the lithium miner can plug into instantly and for free without permission, it's curtains. Velocity of money goes hyper and the global economy gets arbitraged to efficiency. Great for USD proliferation, and great for BTC to absorb tremendous value.
So in either scenario for the USD's future (CBDC or stablecoins), gold gets deprecated.
Austrian theory perfectly translates to Bitcoin and digital world.