Do you think it will still be a promising field with the advent of AI?
AI researchers have spent the last 60 years promising that they were less than 5 years away from making a super-intelligent AI. And the most advanced AI anyone knows about, ChatGPT, is nothing more than a chat bot. And the code it produces is usually broken and requires a programmer to fix. AI will never replace programmers.
AI should not worry you. Rather, you should be focusing on the upcoming economic crash, because it will wipe out a large number of tech companies and programming careers. It will be like the Dot Com crash, but substantially worse. Programmers will have to give up their dreams of getting rich by typing on keyboards.
That's not to say that a programming is a dead-end. Rather, it's to say that programming will cease being a means to glory, and return to just being a useful skill.
What's a good introduction to the world of programming?
I strongly recommend learning Common Lisp, and then Smalltalk (in that order). These are the most powerful programming langauges. They will teach you lessons that cannot feasibly be learned in any other languages. They will enable you to think previously impossible thoughts about computers. The answer to why is complicated and involves learning the unique cultures of Common Lisp and Smalltalk.