Two things made me switch to holding only Bitcoin. The first is that I like simplicity and minimalism. Bitcoin doesn't have a ton a fancy features and is rather minimal. It does one thing and it does it well. The second thing was how stress free and time saving it is to only worry about Bitcoin. I used to shitcoin, but found myself wasting time watching price charts. Holding only Bitcoin makes my life simpler since I don't have to constantly keep an eye on all my coins or look for new ones. I knew that the entire crypto space is anchored to BTC. If it goes down, the whole thing goes. If Bitcoin grows or shrinks, all other coins follow.
What made me a maximalist is realizing that not everything has to be money. If we have a bunch of different coins for different industries, use cases, and products, we're just back to bartering. Money is supposed to be the natural evolution of and upgrade to simple barter.
I also learned that Bitcoin is a Schelling point ( The market naturally converges on one asset to be money. The market naturally converges on one common protocol for the base layer of communication. That's what happened to gold and TCP/IP. That is what's going to happen to Bitcoin. Its the only digital asset with the network effects to do so.
After realizing these things, I delved deep into the philosophy and game theory of Bitcoin and Austrian economics. Learning more has only strengthened my conviction. Still diving down the rabbit hole to this day.