I use Iris mainly Is there somewhere I can find a list of popular relays? I’m only on 6. Is that very little? I’m not sure. Relays are new to me. Still trying to learn about them.
No se si serán los más populares, pero te comparto los que utilizo:
wss://brb.io wss://eden.nostr.land (admission fee) wss://nostr-pub.semisol.dev wss://nostr-pub.wellorder.net wss://nostr.developer.li wss://nostr.nostrelay.org wss://nostr.oxtr.dev wss://nostr.swiss-enigma.ch wss://relay.damus.io wss://relay.nostr.info wss://relay.nostriches.org (admission fee) wss://relay.snort.social
También esto: https://relay.exchange