btw, idk how this happened but you're following Jack Dorsey's bech32 encoded npub not his public key in your following list. This broke our site for your profile when loading your contact list, we fixed it on our end to account for that but whatever client you used to follow him seems to have a bug since it should be adding his raw pubkey not his npub.
Thanks for the feedback! Could you expand upon the "wonkiness" of the format? The more specific you are the better we can improve the site.
Sure if I try to visit my profile it gives me an application error
  • The article didn't appear on my nostr feed on other clients, I had to repost it, maybe an option to let people know or get them to reshare might help
  • Meta description and title should customise to that of the article and the provided description when user posts
  • When I click on tags I selected for my article, I don't see any articles on some of the relays I selected, if it didn't publish to that relay maybe just a notification to let people know and to check their other relays they selected
  • Twitter and gif support would be cool, I just posted the links to test
the error was due to some other client adding jack dorseys pubkey as his npub in your contact list, we are handling that now, you should be able to visit your profile
  • other clients are likely using kind 1 so blog content shouldn't show up there. The kind for blogs is 30023 and should only show on blogging sites like (which is the only site of this kind currently afaik)
  • If you don't add a summary the site should show a snippet from the text in your post
  • there should be a popup at the end letting you know which relays were successfully posted to, I'll investigate to find out why that's not showing.
  • I agree I'll add some issues for embedding twitter links and gifs.
Thank you for the specific issues, this really helps.